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Create New Habit

End-to-End Mobile Application

Habito is a mobile application allowing person to save and develop brand new habit.

User can track down progress and setup notifications and  reminders for each habit.

The application helps user to stay on track with habit on a busy day, when tired, or does not have enough time during day by reminders and attaching habit to existing habit. Keeping habit very tiny and small will keep user at ease when they struggle with bad planning, feeling overworked, taking care of family, and stress.


UX Designer, Researcher


6 Weeks




HABITO is a mobile application designed to help young adults and people who are interested to build a new habit. Application is focusing on building a new habit by setting up achievable goals for short time. Habits are established by repeating a routine for 60 days, so focus is on the setting tiny habit and sticking to it daily until it becomes a routine.

Create End-to-End mobile application allowing user to:

  • Create a goal and make it easy to complete.

  • Attach goal to an existing one and make it attractive by pairing to something they like.

  • Repeat habit and stick to it by setting up reminders.

  • Review progress and enjoy success.


  • Application is focusing on building a new habit, not working on changing bad habit. Many people focus on the negative and think that removing bad habit is more important that building a new one.

  • Focusing on completing new small habit daily and track success will allow user to feel successful.

  • Situation that make it harder to build a good habit

  • Busy day, tired, not enough time – bad planning, overworked, taking care of family, stress.

  • Traits that make building a habit harder.

  • Being skeptical, past behaviors, procrastination, time management, lack of discipline, desire to accomplish a lot at once

  • No more that 1-2 habits at the time and tips down the road will help user understand the importance to sticking to a habit. Reminders will help user to complete habit in day and time desired and allow them to understand importance of showing up



4 mobile applications have been researched

Research showed that all of the habit applications allow participants to be of wide age range.

Applications were allowing user to setup new habit, but also each one of the applications had different approach and sometimes it was difficult to find sections or next step.  Online research of competitive mobile application oriented to helping users create new habits and keep track of their goals.


21 participants participated in the survey

3 people agreed for interview in person 

5 day research

Every day good habits

  • When participants asked about existing daily habits all of them focused on simple day to day routines as reading, showering, going to bed on time, walking daily, brushing teeth, walking, etc.

  • Good habits are also connected to daily habits that people enjoy like – reading, drinking water, walking dog, preparing healthy meal, exercise, reading, relaxation, meditation, running, floss teeth, etc.

  • Only one person replied that be patient is a habit important to him.

Bad habits

  • Bad habits are also associated with simple tasks like staying on phone too much, staying late watching TV, picking cuticles, eating too much sweets, sleeping late, smoking, useless shopping, etc.

Good habit vs. Bad habit

  • When asked which one they prefer to do most people are still positive and would like to focus more on building new habit to make them feel better. Still 43% of participants want to work on getting rid of a bad habit.

Steps to follow for building a new habit

8 steps showed to follow for a new habit and participants were asked which ones resonate to them most.

  • Stay positive came first followed by identify the habit and commit to a decision.

  • Four others were almost evenly chosen as number three: cut habit into smaller steps, replace bad with good habit, create a plan, and celebrate small wins to feel successful. 

Important habits of the mind

Thinking and communicating, creating and innovating, taking responsible risk, remaining open came on top.

Important habits of the body

Daily exercise, good nutrition, and drinking water took first 3 places. Sounds familiar right.

Habits of the mind vs. habits of the body

And the winner is: Habits of the MIND

Habits that participants want to work on

Exercise, sleep, well, follow schedule, accept thinks more easily, meditate, be nicer, eat balanced meal.

Ways to build habit

Make it easy, make it attractive, and make it satisfying are the three most wanted ways to help build a new habit.

Interact with mobile habit building application

Participant showed interest to have both options when using mobile app – being flexible to create their own habit and also have options for them to choose from. It is also interesting that 24 % expressed interest to only create their own goal as a priority vs. preset list.

What action is most appealing when building a habit

Make habit tiny is most preferred one to help with establishment and building of a new habit. Celebrating success is again a second top priority.

Who makes it easier to build habit

Family and friend are always the circle that helps participants which achieving success. This is an indicator that connecting mobile application with other platforms to share success with family and friends is very important to all.

Situation that help you build a good habit

Places like home, or gym where people relax and be able to be with themselves make them feel in control. Well rested and reading book and support from others is also important. Be independent is a key to success too.

Traits that make building a habit easier

Motivation, personal experience with situation, schedule, perception about people, great memory, great organization skills, willingness to try new thinks.



Users are struggling building a habit mostly by convincing themselves not to. Also family can be an obstacles if not supportive, and busy schedule too. 

User will need to choose who to share information with as family in this case can be an obstacle. Looks like encouragement and support plays a big role in success.

Traits that prevent user building a new habit are:  being skeptical, past behaviors, procrastination, time management, lack of discipline, desire to accomplish a lot at once.

Users struggling with building and following a simple plan when in process of  build a new habit. Users need to feel that they are staying on track with goal.


Persona 1
Persona 2


Affinity map visually organized information into groups of themes

  • Daily habits

  • Steps to follow

  • Pain Points

  • Habits of the mind

  • Habits of the body

  • Create own habit

  • Tips to build habit

  • Share progress 


HABITO - new habit mobile application for young adults and adults offering simple steps for creating a new habit.

  • Easy to use app with clear flows and options to track progress.

  • Get daily notifications to remind you about habit.

  • Set achievable goals and attach current habit to existing one for better success.

  • Connect with social media and music applications on phone

  • Play music while setting habit and confirming completion off task


The Product Roadmap for HABITO will outline established goals as well as timeline for their completion.

Habito Build New Habit Mobile Application 2024-01-20.png


This sitemap shows a blueprint of the Habito Mobile Application navigation. Four main tasks will be able to be completed by user: Create Account with email, Create Habit, Progress Tracking.



After careful consideration of research results, site map, and affinity map three main user flows were created.

  • First user flow shows option for user to sign in or sign up and then it goes to a list of habits that they can choose from and set their first new habit in Habito. New habit will display in the Daily Habit page.

  • Second flow shows how to setup your own habit by typing in the name of the habit and then choosing from a set of options how often you want this habit to happen.

  • Third flow will allow user to attach a new habit created already to an existing habit. This will help with completion of habit as old and established habits are already a routine in our days.

HABITO Mobile app USER FLOW 3.png


Task flows below are showing how user will browse through screens to complete each one of the tasks:

  • Create a new habit that you'd like to work on

  • Setup new habit and choose settings for this same habit

  • Attach a new habit to already established and known habit



This is how everything looked on a paper. Those are the first sketches for HABITO low fidelity wireframes showing flows for the three main tasks that mobile application is going to offer to its users.

  • Create new habit.

  • Personalize settings for each habit and set it on your daily schedule.

  • Add new habit to existing and established one.





I designed the following pages in high-fidelity after coming up with the brand colors and logo. Took into consideration information from research and looked for illustrations that have nice bright colors to inspire users. Illustrations had to be connected to nature and give perception for morning, afternoon, and evening.  Based on all of the previous work I created this high fidelity prototype for usability testing.



Testing Parameters

I conducted the usability testing with 5 participants who are working on creating new habit and showed interest in trying the new habit application. Ages of participants is between 17 to 48. The goals of usability testing were to:

  • Evaluate the user's ability to navigate through the website - Is the website intuitive and simple to navigate? Does the navigational structure of the website align with customer/user expectations? Are the features easily findable?

  • Identify any confusion or problems users may encounter during usability testing

  • Is there any confusion or difficulty while completing the task flows?

  • Find out what users think of the website redesign and updated visual branding

  • What do users think of the visual design – the updated images, typography, and layout of the website?

Usability Test Report - Conclusions.png


After analyzing my results and taking into consideration user recommendations, I made priority revisions to  the design

  • Changed size of the buttons to make them more consistent throughout the mobile application - made NEXT button wider and changed in blue, while SIGN UP and SAVE button stayed in orange as they are both call to action or complete action.

  • Home page had 2 steps that customer was missing at first - made bubbles wider and bigger with highlighting STEP 2 in blue when user done reviewing 1st step.

  • On the screen showing preset list of habits - when user chooses the habit it highlights and shows in bright green color (before that it was just blue and blending with other colors of the page).

  • On screen for Choose Setting for Habit toward bottom user had 2 Choices "New" or "Existing" habit. * added to each of them and description for each option showed underneath (users asked for clarification). 

  • On Daily Routine page circle for complete habit was on the right side. As mentioned by users when we hold mobile device most of the time we use our left thumb to check task as completed. Place of the complete circle was changed from right to left to be closer to the left thumb.



High Fidelity Wireframes for HABITO after findings from usability test and iterations made. Final product offering a person interested to create a new habit to have an application in their hand allowing them to:

  •  Learn about what healthy habit is.

  • Go to Home Page and Search for Habit or go to Home Page to Create a New Habit.

  • Create an account to save progress.

  • Attach new habit to an existing one for higher chance to succeed.

  • Personalize how habit will show and how user will be notified about it.

  • Track progress by day, week, month.



HABITO mobile application is not lunched yet. This was an application created to benefit any person interested in creating a habit and staying in control of it. Habit should be easy, achievable and give satisfaction to the user. Project was designed to support young adults and adults with their daily activities and help them create a new healthy routine. This was a fun project and I would like to be able to work with developer on possible launch of it in the future.

If I had more time

If I had more time I would spend more time working on customer profile and sharing progress on social media, as well as inviting a friend to participate in Habito.

I also would like to be able to extend this application to young children ages 12 and above. With today school system and lots of distraction children have no way or system to create new healthy habits. If I had more time and ability to work with younger kids, I would like to find out what would be their expectation from an application like that and design features that they can take advantage of. 

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